Changing My Mindset

One of the turning point in my life is when I started to change my mindset of scarcity to Abundance. I used to worry a lot, especially about money, and I ended up strapped in credit cards debt for a few years, partly due to overspending on my house renovation. The stress took a heavy toll on my mental health, and finally I was determined to change my mindset, and to trust God to get me out of my credit card debt. He not only got me out of my credit card debt, but showed me what an Abundant God He is!

Related to this Abundance mindset, is the Attitude of Gratitude – being grateful for the things I have and stop complaining about the things I don’t have. Lo and behold, I found that I have so much more to be grateful for!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are we not to be?

Marianne Williamson

Climb Your Mountains

Scientist have established that we are only using a small percentage of estimated 5% of our mind, and we have 95% of our subconscious mind controlling our underlying thoughts and behaviours. Not many people realize our subconscious mind is very powerful and subtle, and they mostly form our Limiting Beliefs that many times sabotage our successes.

You need to ‘Climb Your Mountains’ of Limiting Beliefs in your  life that is holding you back, for examples:

    • Money is evil / Money will bring unhappiness or stress
    • No one will love the “real me”
    • I will be rejected or betrayed if I fall in love again
    • I can’t trust anyone / I can’t be trusted anymore
    • I am too old / young or not good enough
    • I don’t have enough time / experience / skill
    • I am comfortable enough / I don’t want to rock the boat
    • Why pursue a dream that is destined to fail?
  • E.g. If you want to be rich, but on the other hand, have a limiting belief about the evil of money and you scorn on filthy rich people – this limiting belief will end up sabotaging your struggling efforts to become rich.
  • There are no limits on what you can achieve in your life, except for the limits you accept in your own mind. – Brian Tracy

Our Values as Building Blocks

As we walk from our crossroads, our next step is to rebuild our identity of who we are. Specifically, we need to identify the voices in our head or the stories we tell ourselves, be it positive or negative voices.  We are always justifying what we want, especially when we need an excuse to do something we want that may not be in our best interest in the long term, for example, over-eating in a buffet as you want to make your money’s worth!

It is essentially our values that are the building blocks of our identity. Whether we list them out or not, our values are the underlying factors that determine our choices and decision making. Your values make you who you are! 

Hence, it is important to find out your values, write them down, and evaluate if you are living your life in congruence with your values, or just drifting with wherever the wind blows and doing whatever your family/friends even society think you should be doing.

Congruence is speaking and acting on the things that honor who you are. – Live Your Legend

Know Your Why

In Simon Sinek’s TED Talk and his book, ‘Start With Why’, he talks about the ‘Golden Circle‘, to help us understand why we do what we do. It provides compelling evidence of how much more we can achieve if we remind ourselves to start everything we do by first asking why.

As we start on this journey – if you choose to start on this journey – start by asking why you are on this journey to live your life with intention and purpose. If you believe that you can inspire others and be inspired, that I believe is a really good start! As for me, I want to achieve my full potential as a child of God and to be a good steward for the blessings bestowed upon me.

Give Yourself Permission

I saw this really cute video by a little girl, who decided to put on her mother’s lipstick. The father took the video and asked her who gave her permission to use the “yipick”, and she said, ‘I ask myself!

What a powerful statement: to give myself permission, especially coming from such a little girl! How sad that as we grow up, we forget to give ourselves permission – to laugh at ourselves, to cry in sadness, to try and fail, to love unconditionally without the fear of getting hurt, to be patient and kind to ourselves, to have big and bold dreams, to do things that matter to us! So go ahead, give yourself permission to do big and bold things that matters to you this year! Give yourself permission to fail, as long as you do something that you have always wanted to do but was too afraid. Give yourself permission to feel the emotions inside of you – be it love or hate, joy or sorrow, excitement or anxiety, hope or disappointment, empathy or shame – as your emotions are part of who you are.

Start Where You Are

I would like to start this new year with a series called ‘Intentional Living‘. I will start with where you are – the crossroad of your life. How would you rate yourself in terms of work, family, social, health, and spiritually. What were your dreams and your disappointments? Are you where you want to be? If not, what would you need to change? Are you willing to change? Are you ready for that change?

As a new decade begins, it draws on new hope to live with intention and purpose, instead of drifting for another year, or 5 years or another decade. We want to look back and have a sense of achievement and pride. As for me, I want to make this change to live with intention and purpose, and invite you on this journey with me. Let me share Maya Angelou’s quote below:

If you don’t like something, change it; If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.

First Day of the Decade

The first day of a new decade! 1st January 2020. The letting go of the past year, and the beginning of a new year holds so much promises, especially when it is also the start of a new decade! How wonderful that we have new year to start, just like how we have a new slate to start with Jesus when we are forgiven and have a new life in Him.

Looking forward, I want to have an intentional life driven by my important values of faith and courage – to focus on what is important in my life, and do the meaningful and hard work required (not just the easy or expedient ones).

For those who are still drifting in life, it’s time to wake up and be truly alive and excited! May this new year and new decade be full of learning opportunities and exciting adventures!

Last Day of 2019

As I ponder the year that is coming to an end, on the last day of 2019, I am filled with gratitude for the many blessings I have received this year. God has truly been great and I have grown in confidence.

Starting this blog in July help me believe that ‘I can do it!’. And I treasure the friend who pushed me to start it, pushing aside my many excuses and setting a deadline for me!

What I learnt this year is that when things go wrong or when it doesn’t go as planned, I can trust God to redeem the situation and make something good out of it. As I have read somewhere, God will not waste our sorrows…

More importantly, I have learnt to know how God will put in place the things He wants me to do. He would plant the desire in my heart, present the situation and opportunity to me, bring in the people, remove the obstacles, and pave the way for His Will be done. This was most obvious when a friend sent me a message about Compass, brought in the people for this pilot Catholic group in Malaysia, set the time, provided the venue and brought in the facilitators! When God makes plan, He can part seas and move mountains! Alleluia!

May God continue to bless each one of us as we seek His Will in our lives. That He will bless us abundantly for the coming New Year and many more New Years to come!

Setting Goals to Spend Time Wisely

Setting Goals to Spend Time Wisely

It’s good to have a few good friends to remind me to set my goals for next year. So I reminded a few of my other friends too. One of them asked how I have the time to reach my 9 Power Goals? So I explained that it is due to my limited time that I need to focus on what is important, where I am heading and what I want to achieve. That way, I can spend my precious time wisely, to achieve the goals that I have set, in the important areas of my life.

For me, the basic 7 Power Goals are in the areas of: Business (Career), Finances, Family, Health, Spiritual, Growth (Personal Development) and Creation (create something – art, craft, write a blog or book, podcast, etc). You can have other areas like hobbies, relationship, whichever that is important to you.

The other two Power Goals that I have is ‘MicMarie’, which is my side business in photography and album designing; and lastly, ‘Soul’ for lack of a better word, where I feed my soul by writing this blog.

So, let me persuade you to think of the important areas of your life, and set goals to achieve for the year. This will also help you make better decisions in light of your goals and what you want to achieve. Time is so precious – spend your time wisely.

Now, Turn North!

In my last post, I talked about Seasons of Life. However, there are times when our seasons have overstayed – when we refuse to move on due to being too long in our “comfort zone” or other reasons. Then it is time to discern our season.

You have circled this mountain long enough! Now, turn north! Deuteronomy 2:3

As we come to the end of the year, it’s good to reflect and think of wrapping up some loose ends in our lives – especially things or situations that we have been stuck in a season for too long – to know what are the things we need to cut loose, things that are dragging us down, or detrimental to us. Seek God’s wisdom when He tells you that you have circled in a situation long enough, and commands you to “turn north”! It could be business or job situation, a long-lost family member, so-called complicated relationship, deteriorating health, dry spiritual season that is gnawing at you, mid-life crisis that is causing havoc, etc.

Discern what is your “north” as you advance into the new year, at least move into the direction of your solution or resolution. God had made plans for the Israelite to move into The Promised Land when He asked them to turn north. Seek God’s plan for His promises to you for the new year.

Seasons of Life

Four seasons of life – planting, nurturing, pruning and harvesting

It’s important to recognize the different seasons of our lives so that we know how to live according to the seasons, and not be impatient or give up too soon.

During the Planting Season, we start a new season or projects from the seeds of ideas, with the right people and tools, in the environment of fertile soil.

Once the season has started, we have to water the plants in the Nurturing Season, with our attention, love and care. We also need to build our skills and our team.

The Pruning Season is the season of facing the challenges and hardships, and persevering through them. We need to cut the excesses and excuses, and focus on what’s important for our survival and growth. This will take as long as it takes for us to learn the Lessons of Life for this season, so it’s best to ask: What is the lesson(s) here?

When we recognize this painful season, we will not give up easily, as the perseverance will bring us to the next Season of Harvesting. Many people do not know how close they are in achieving their success have they recognized that they have to persevere through the pruning season to harvest the success of their effort.

In my life, I’ve found that recognizing these different seasons in my life help me to persevere through the seasons, and to learn and grow in compassion and greater resilience.

Memorizing Bible Verses

As a Catholic, memorizing Bible verses is not a natural habit. In a recent course where I had to memorize a Bible verse/passage every week, I have learnt to appreciate how this habit benefitted me.

Firstly, it helped me to know God’s word intimately. Secondly, it helped me to pray better, using Bible verses. Thirdly, it calms me down when I worry or feel overwhelmed. Fourthly, I am able to share these Bible verses to encourage or comfort those in need of God’s love. Lastly, it draws me closer to God.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8

So what I have done now, is that I started collecting my favourite Bible verses by searching them online for some nice images with the Bible verses, copy and paste them into my Microsoft OneNote page. I find it nicer and easier to memorize them visually.

This month, as I pray anxiously for my family’s health matters (surgeries), I found that memorizing the Bible verses has helped me focus on God instead of worrying. Every time I find myself worrying too much, I turn to my list of favourite Bible verses and start memorizing them. Truly, there is power in the Living Word of God. Amen!

Faithful Stewards

Recently I joined the pilot group in Malaysia for the Compass course, Navigating Your Finances God’s Way. The first lesson was impactful – all that we have and own belongs to God, and He is in control of everything. We are God’s faithful stewards to the money and possessions that He has given us.

When we realize that we are accountable for this stewardship, then we must understand what is our responsibilities as stewards, namely, to be faithful with what we are given, and to be faithful in every area (not just the supposedly 10% tithing only). The most important lessons I have learnt from the course are: to trust God with the money and possessions He has entrusted to me, to give joyfully, to be absolutely honest, to seek Godly counsel when the situation requires, to avoid debt and being a guarantor, to save for emergency, to invest wisely and to work unto the Lord.

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men… It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. – Colossians 3:23-24

When I share with my group that I am ‘changing my Boss‘, I am not sure if they understood that I am changing my earthly boss to a Heavenly Boss, and not that I am changing job! Haha!!!

A Different Take on Yes/No

I recently read an interesting article by James Clear called ‘The Ultimate Productivity Hack is Saying No‘. He has a different take on saying yes or no, which was most interesting! He looked at it from the opposite end – meaning that saying ‘no’ is to just to one option, whereas saying ‘yes’ is actually saying ‘no’ to all other options! Furthermore, saying ‘Yes’ is a responsibility – a commitment you promise to the person you say Yes to.

When you say no, you are only saying no to one option. When you say yes, you are saying no to every other option.

No is a decision. Yes is a responsibility.

He went on to say the importance of saying No as a productivity hack, as it safeguard against our most precious commodity called ‘time’. You will realize that saying ‘no’ allows you to say ‘yes’ to those things that are important to you, or has more value to you. That, I think is a big motivation to master this important skill of saying ‘no’ or ‘yes’.

I Am Enough

I love the quote from Maya Angelou that says I am enough. I know I am enough because I am a child of God. He has made me in His image. Enough said!

With the constant bombardment of marketing advertisements and social media highlights, it is no wonder if we can stay afloat with our feeling of adequacy. That’s why it’s important to ground our identity in who we believe we are and live congruently with the values important to us.

I don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I am who I am in this space and in this time. The only thing I need to do is to serve my purpose in my unique way and do things that matters, while helping others do the same too! Knowing that, indeed, I Am Enough!

Side Mirror

Recently, I lost my car’s side mirror at the passenger side. I felt so handicapped without it, as I felt so unsure when changing lane or parking or reversing as I can’t see my blind spot! It made me think of living life with blind spot and wondering what is my blind spot.

I figure that one of the blind spot I have is my limiting beliefs. Past bad experiences has shaped what I believe I can, and cannot do. Fear of Failure has kept me away trying new things. Fear of Winning has kept me within my comfort zone, as winning might mean more responsibility and new challenges.

My analogy of having a side mirror in life is to have friends, in particular, Accountability Partners, who can see your blind spots and hold you accountable for your actions. If you set any goals, be it health, business or any goals, your accountability partners can help you see through your excuses and justifications, guide you in your journey, get you back on track when you have sidetracked, and make you accountable. They should “mirror” who you are and show you your blind spots as you drive along your journey towards your goals. It certainly has a significant impact on my life having accountability partners!

Prayer that changes me

Yesterday, I was struck by a quote from the movie ‘Shadowland’, a very old movie about the famous C.S. Lewis. He said that prayer doesn’t change God, that prayer changes me.

I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I am helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me. – C.S. Lewis

I thought about how I need to be praying persistently, and more importantly, I have to pray persistently – until it changes me. Often, we pray to change our situation, our job, or our (addictive) habits, our children, even our spouse! So, my prayer should be to change me – to change my perspective or my mindset – to develop my character or to strengthen me.

Many times, we are unable to control our situation, but we can control how we react to the situation. We can control our perspective of the situation, and hence, we can change from a negative to a positive perspective. That each situation is a lesson in the making, and that we can learn from our failures and mistakes, and hence grow stronger from the experience. Our prayer should help us to see God’s will for us and how He wants to change us and develop our character. That, I believe, is one of the important aspect of Prayer.

PichaEats Malaysia

With the help of PichaEats, we met some Myanmar refugees who shared their stories. I was amazed with one of PichaEats founder’s story of how the three of them decided to help refugees in Malaysia, while still studying in university! They found a unique way to help refugees – turning their culinary skills into a quality and delicious food business.

Through PichaEats, refugee families who are forced to flee to Malaysia can get a chance to rebuild their lives, regain their dignity, and provide for their family.

As I reflect on the PichaEats team and the refugees’ sharings, I am reminded again of how blessed I am to have my home, my family, my job and my friends, and many things that I take for granted! It also reminded me to stop complaining about what I lack, but to appreciate what I already have, which is more than enough!

PichaEats team is a young dynamic entrepreneurial team. I salute them for their courage and tenacity to start and maintain this business of helping refugees in Malaysia, and inspiring more people to help others. Read their story, support them by ordering their food if possible, and be inspired to do something to help others too.