Direction Determines Destination

Intentional Living – Direction Determines Destination

In Andy Stanley’s podcast, The Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future, he says that you have the ability to predict your future by paying attention to where you’re headed. It is your Direction, not Intention, that determines your Destination. Therefore, as we elevate to the next level in our lives, we need to make sure we are heading in the direction that we want to go.

We always have the intention to do many good things, like losing weight or changing to a better job,  but many times we find ourselves doing things in the opposite direction. We need to realize that the direction of our actions will ultimately determine where we end up, irregardless of our best intentions. That’s why Andy Stanley says that we can predict our future by paying attention to where we are headed.

Are our choices, decisions and actions leading us to where we want to go? If not, then it is time to change our direction to where we truly want to go.

Growth vs Goals

Growth vs Goals

I always love to set goals and strive to achieve them. Recently, I read something profound by John Maxwell that has given me a new perspective: instead of setting goals to achieve where I wanted to be, I should set the course for who I wanted to become. I realize that I should strive intentionally for my personal growth and not just setting goals year after year. And the growth is intended to be a better person of who I can become, i.e. the best version of me. To elevate to the next level of who I wanted to become.

My life began changing when I stopped setting goals for where I wanted to be and started setting the course for who I wanted to become. I have discovered that the key to personal development is being more growth oriented than goal oriented – John Maxwell.

This made so much sense when I revised my Vision Board, as it now shows me the vision of who I want to become.  It is not just a task-oriented, goal-setting exercise anymore, it is a vision of the best version of myself that I want to elevate to! 

For example, one of my vision of myself is being Debt-Free. I am using this example as I am currently facilitating for the Compass Course ‘Navigating Your Finances God’s Way’. Therefore, it is not just the task of clearing my debts, but to gain the financial freedom of being debt-free – the who I want to become. And in becoming debt-free, I am free to serve God wholeheartedly.