Give Yourself Permission

I saw this really cute video by a little girl, who decided to put on her mother’s lipstick. The father took the video and asked her who gave her permission to use the “yipick”, and she said, ‘I ask myself!

What a powerful statement: to give myself permission, especially coming from such a little girl! How sad that as we grow up, we forget to give ourselves permission – to laugh at ourselves, to cry in sadness, to try and fail, to love unconditionally without the fear of getting hurt, to be patient and kind to ourselves, to have big and bold dreams, to do things that matter to us! So go ahead, give yourself permission to do big and bold things that matters to you this year! Give yourself permission to fail, as long as you do something that you have always wanted to do but was too afraid. Give yourself permission to feel the emotions inside of you – be it love or hate, joy or sorrow, excitement or anxiety, hope or disappointment, empathy or shame – as your emotions are part of who you are.

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