Test Your Limits

Intentional Living – Test Your Limits

Naturally, we live within the boundaries of our limits. However, there comes a time or an opportunity, that drags us out of our comfort zone and our perceived limits, to lead us into the wild unknown.

The only way to test your limits is to push beyond your limits – that’s how you will find out your limits! During this Covid situation, we are all pushed out of our comfort zone into a new norm of lockdowns, social distancing and strict hygiene. We have to accept our new norms and move forward. We have to stretch our limits in terms of how our business and cash flow have been affected, how we work and travel, even how we eat!

For those in traditional brick-and-mortar business or in the service industry, it is a great challenge to diversify and/or move online to digital eCommerce if possible. It is an opportunity to test our agility and adaptability, and to come out stronger than before.

To dream anything that you want to dream. That is the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do.That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed. – Bernard Edmonds.

Start Small

Intentional Living – Start Small

For any venture or project, it is important to start small. Why? Because it is more achievable than attempting a huge project! And the important part is START! Follow Nike’s famous slogan – Just Do It!

Also, it allows you to have mini-experiments to test what works and what doesn’t, and tweak it along the way, making it better through feedback and evaluation. When I first started my blog, what I shared were quite random thoughts, or books that I have read. This year, I started this “Intentional Living” series, which is what I am focusing on for the first half of the year. Then I will figure out what I want to do next for the second half of 2020!

As we encounter this global pandemic of Covid-19 in the world, it is even more important to plan and act fast, to be agile and be adaptable in the new norm. Explore new ventures and possibilities, start something to test it out, get feedback and keep on improving it. If it doesn’t quite work out, then modify it, or explore the next idea. Be positive and make it adventurous and exciting!

Dream Big. Start Small. But most of all, Start – Simon Sinek.