Know Your Why

In Simon Sinek’s TED Talk and his book, ‘Start With Why’, he talks about the ‘Golden Circle‘, to help us understand why we do what we do. It provides compelling evidence of how much more we can achieve if we remind ourselves to start everything we do by first asking why.

As we start on this journey – if you choose to start on this journey – start by asking why you are on this journey to live your life with intention and purpose. If you believe that you can inspire others and be inspired, that I believe is a really good start! As for me, I want to achieve my full potential as a child of God and to be a good steward for the blessings bestowed upon me.

Give Yourself Permission

I saw this really cute video by a little girl, who decided to put on her mother’s lipstick. The father took the video and asked her who gave her permission to use the “yipick”, and she said, ‘I ask myself!

What a powerful statement: to give myself permission, especially coming from such a little girl! How sad that as we grow up, we forget to give ourselves permission – to laugh at ourselves, to cry in sadness, to try and fail, to love unconditionally without the fear of getting hurt, to be patient and kind to ourselves, to have big and bold dreams, to do things that matter to us! So go ahead, give yourself permission to do big and bold things that matters to you this year! Give yourself permission to fail, as long as you do something that you have always wanted to do but was too afraid. Give yourself permission to feel the emotions inside of you – be it love or hate, joy or sorrow, excitement or anxiety, hope or disappointment, empathy or shame – as your emotions are part of who you are.

Start Where You Are

I would like to start this new year with a series called ‘Intentional Living‘. I will start with where you are – the crossroad of your life. How would you rate yourself in terms of work, family, social, health, and spiritually. What were your dreams and your disappointments? Are you where you want to be? If not, what would you need to change? Are you willing to change? Are you ready for that change?

As a new decade begins, it draws on new hope to live with intention and purpose, instead of drifting for another year, or 5 years or another decade. We want to look back and have a sense of achievement and pride. As for me, I want to make this change to live with intention and purpose, and invite you on this journey with me. Let me share Maya Angelou’s quote below:

If you don’t like something, change it; If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.

First Day of the Decade

The first day of a new decade! 1st January 2020. The letting go of the past year, and the beginning of a new year holds so much promises, especially when it is also the start of a new decade! How wonderful that we have new year to start, just like how we have a new slate to start with Jesus when we are forgiven and have a new life in Him.

Looking forward, I want to have an intentional life driven by my important values of faith and courage – to focus on what is important in my life, and do the meaningful and hard work required (not just the easy or expedient ones).

For those who are still drifting in life, it’s time to wake up and be truly alive and excited! May this new year and new decade be full of learning opportunities and exciting adventures!