Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

You think that most people want to be happy, right? I suspect the truth is closer to the fact that most people want to be comfortable. Then naturally, they would be comfortably happy!

But to grow, we need to get out of our comfort zone, and do the uncomfortable things that challenges us. For example, I was uncomfortable taking photos of myself and posting them on social media. As a photographer, I felt more comfortable behind the lens than in front of it. It took me awhile to be comfortable in taking selfies on my iPhone. I found out that using DSLR camera to shoot is quite different from using the iPhone camera to shoot selfies. It’s quite a different skill set! Now, I am quite comfortable and confident taking selfies, as long as there is good lighting!

My next challenge is taking videos, which I am still very uncomfortable. I am even finding ways to post videos on social media without showing my face..! Haha!

Nevertheless, I really want to overcome it and do this uncomfortable thing. I have a new project which requires my social media presence more “vividly” (showing my face lah). I have been hiding comfortably behind written words in this personal blog of mine. It is time for me to move to the next level. It is time for my exponential growth – my 10X growth – for 2024.

What is the uncomfortable thing you know you should do to accelerate your personal growth this year?

How can 10X Be Easier than 2X?

10X is Easier than 2X - based on the book of the same name.
10X is Easier than 2X – based on the book of the same name.

The proposition that 10X is easier than 2X was so counterintuitive that I was immediately intrigued by what the speaker, Dr Benjamin Hardy, was saying in his Instagram channel. In his book with Dan Sullivan called 10X is Easier than 2X, Dr Benjamin Hardy explained that – 2X is a linear process of increasing your quantity whereas 10X is a non-linear fundamental QUALITATIVE change in your Vision and Identity. It’s not about more, it’s about LESS. It’s a simplification and filtering system – that strips away 80% of your current life that is not serving your 10X goals and focusing on the 20% that is relevant and making an impact towards what you want to achieve. It is a process – a process of becoming a new person.

10X is the means, and FREEDOM is the end – the freedom of Time, Money, Relationship and Purpose.

2X is doubling what you are doing now, but you can’t 10X what you’re doing now. You essentially have to change who you are and how you’ve been doing things. Benjamin Hardy’s journey came at the moment of full commitment – the Point of No Return – where he shifted his identity and energy from avoiding what he feared to fully approaching what he wanted most. He said,

“Make your goal impossible then ask yourself how you can create these “unless” conditions to make the impossible, possible.”

He said that 10X goals are easier and less competitive, as we are out of the majority market of people pursuing 2X goals. We got to be thinking out-of-the-box, be creative and innovative, and be hyper-focus. We are not required to be 10X better as 10%-20% better or difference can produce 10X bigger results. And that’s the beauty of this concept! I absolutely love this visionary idea!!!

Turning into a Pillar of Salt for Looking Back

Today, I was going through the YouVersion plan by Christine Caine called ‘Don’t Look Back’. The main story was Lot’s wife, who was told not to look back as the angel helped Lot and his wife to escape Sodom. She was told to do one thing – not look back – and she did exactly the one thing she was told not to do, and was turned into a pillar of salt.

I believe, we all have our “Sodom” that we look back to:

  • the who we used to be
  • the what we used to have
  • the place we used to live in
  • the “normal” we had before the Covid pandemic
  • the unforgiveness that robs our peace
  • the dashed hopes or dreams or expectations
  • the past seasons of our lives that was much easier
  • the youth and/or health we took for granted
  • the secret thoughts that darken our mind
  • the shame that we hide behind our facade

Even though God had told us to let them go and DON’T LOOK BACK.

This question in the YouVersion plan struck me:

Are you lingering in a place and longing for what was, all the while tolerating what is, all in hopes that if you linger long enough, you might get back what God told you to leave?

Are we so foolish to think that if we linger long enough, we might get back what we long for? In Luke 17:32, Remember Lot’s Wife – Jesus reminds us not to turn back – or face the consequences. God is commanding is to MOVE ON.

As we start a new year, let go of whatever that is no longer serving us or even holding us back, and move forward boldly to a new adventure.

Are you connecting to your core values?

Connect to Core Values
Connect to Core Values

In the book Bittersweet by Susan Cain, she talked about accepting the bitter and losses in our lives, and how it can lead us to connect to our values and subsequently acting on those values.

I reflected upon it and listed the core values I believe is important to me at this season of my life:

  1. Courage – courage to do what God has called me to do, to trust in God’s plan for my life, and to be led by the power of the Holy Spirit
  2. Compassion – to reach out to others and inspire them to dream boldly, and more importantly, to have compassion on myself – to be kind and gentle to the little girl in me
  3. Creativity – to use my talents in bold unique ways to give glory to God – dare to dream big, be bold, go wild, run free, dance like no one is watching, and have lots of fun!
  4. Gratitude – to give thanks for the countless blessings in my life, including the trials that strengthen my character and driven me to be who I am today

I realise that I need to align my values with what I am doing in my life. That whatever project or work I embark on, it needs to align with my core values. And these values must be outward seeking, that is, it is to serve others and to give glory to God.

As we start the new year of 2024, I invite you to connect to your values and seek to live in alignment with your core values.

May this year 2024 be a wonderful year for you!