Surpass Your Limits

Intentional Living – Surpass Your Limits

Currently, I am watching an Anime called ‘Black Clover‘. Whenever the underdog Black Bull Squad confronts their enemies, their Captain Yami would shout at them to surpass their limits!

Most of our limits are self-imposed by our beliefs system. Based on past experience and our upbringing and support system, we develop our belief system that consciously and subconsciously tells us what we can do and what we can’t do. When we recognize that our belief system is holding us back, then it is time to revamp our belief system and surpass our limits.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said: Do one thing everyday that scares you. Isn’t that a great challenge to overcome your fear and limiting beliefs?

A warrior doesn’t repeat himself. Surpass your limits. This is the path to you realizing your dreams – Yami Sukehiro (Black Clover).

Your Game Plan

Your Game Plan

What is your game plan in life? Do you play not to lose, or do you play to win? Many people, who have reached a certain level of success in their lives, default to living life with the game plan of play not to lose. As long as I am not losing, I am fine; why rock the boat? Similar to the mentality – if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it!

Playing to win is a different mentality, whereby you are determine to seize any opportunities to win. You take on the challenges, you take on the risks, because you want to win!

If you have been drifting through most of your life, it’s most likely you are playing not to lose. However, if you want to succeed in life, or go to the next level in your life, it is time to change to a new game plan of Play To Win! Or at lest, be in the winning team, or with people who wants you to win in life.

Find the game where you can win, and commit your life to playing it; and play to win.

Robert Kiyosaki

Uniquely YOU

Most of us have traits from our parents, some even from grandparents or uncles or aunties. Nevertheless, we are totally unique, even with twins. We want to constantly fit into society or groups of people, thinking that it will help us belong there. The problem is when we lose our identify or our values trying to fit in.

The beauty of our uniqueness has become cliche and lost its meaning. We are meant to be born in this time, in our family, in our country. There is no mistake, no accidents. Each person in our family help each family member to be who they are. They make us who we are. The people who support, encourage, love and inspire us; as well as the ones who annoy, irritate, scold, humiliate, shame, and even abuse us; they make us who we are today. Like it or not, your past experiences, and the people in your past – they uniquely make you who you are today.

In the concept of Kintsugi in Japan, broken objects are often repaired with gold. The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the object’s history, which adds to its beauty. The transformation from brokenness to beauty, is made possible when we recognize our past hurts and experiences – turn them into powerful life’s lessons – to strengthen us and make us compassionate beings. Then we become unique masterpieces of ourselves.

Dare to be YOU

Dare to be YOU

Who are you? Such a simple question, but I bet many people would find it quite a challenge to answer this question succinctly. Do you identify yourself with your name, job/business, your roles, your strength and weakness, your personality, etc?

I believe we are all Children of God, or the universe if you prefer. We are created to serve our purposes with our lives. Many people have found their purposes in their calling or ministries, businesses or projects, many more have found in their families, raising their children for the next generation. We are always being prepared for the next phase as we progress in life, though they are some who are stuck in the same phase as they refuse to learn the lesson to proceed to the next phase, or they are too comfortable where they are.

Then they are the chosen few – who seek out and establish the boldest version of themselves – just to fulfil their true purpose, in humility and in gratitude. As we weather through the global storm of the Covid pandemic, let us take this time to search deep within us for the answers waiting in our hearts for the question: Who Are You? Then Dare to be YOU.