The 4Rs of Winning the War In Your Mind

I read the plan, ‘Winning the War in Your Mind’ in YouVersion, a Bible app that I use regularly. It is by Craig Groeschel, based on his book of the same name. I would like to share the 4Rs in his plan:

1. Replace the lies with the truth of God – identify the lies we tell ourselves, and replace them with God’s Word in our hearts

2. Rewire our brain, renew our mind – constantly declare God’s truth to create new neural pathways in our brain, to renew our mind. Yes, it is very true that we can rewire our brain with new neural pathways!

3. Reframe our mind, restore our perspective – we cannot control the circumstances in our lives, but we can control how we think about it. We can gain God’s perspective for the situation and discern His will for us. Most importantly, we can believe that God is in control and will use the situation for our benefit (mostly to develop and strengthen our character)

4. Rejoice in the Lord always – rejoice in all our circumstances, as Paul did even when he was in prison. What Paul did in prison was to praise God for Who He Is, i.e. God is good. What struck me was that Paul praised God before God saved him and before God showed up. Bottom line: we can change our perspective through prayer and praise.

Our mind is a battlefield. We can only win this battlefield in our mind with God’s help. It is God’s Word and Truth that we can conquer the battlefield in our mind. Let’s start to identify the lies and Replace them with God’s Word, Rewire and renew our mind by declaring God’s Word, Reframe our situation in God’s perspective and Rejoice always in the Lord. Alleluia!