Find your voice simply by activating it

It has been six months since I wrote my last post. I have been feeling quite restless, and lacking motivation. It is like looking at a closet full of clothes, and saying, ‘I have nothing to wear’..! I think a few ladies can relate to that! Haha!

So why have I resumed writing? I just completed Brendon Burchard’s book, The Millionaire Messenger. He shared a story of very shy girl in his class, who requested to make her speech after she missed a few important class, and was not expected to give that speech. We find our voice simply by activating our voices. That was the important message I got. Each one of us have a story to share, insights to enlighten others, struggles that others can relate to, and a heart longing to connect and reach out to others. Hence, I can find my voice simply by activating it – through my writing and sharing with others.

A few years back, I learnt from Live Your Legend about the 3Cs – Consume, Connect and Create. I consume by reading voraciously, and I plan to share a few books that I have read recently. In terms of connection, I have started to reach out and connect with people intentionally. Hence, this blog is my creation. Not just my creation – it is my creation to have an impact and to influence others. It is also a journey that I would like to share with my readers…!

We are all Influencers in our own space

Last week, I attended the online InfluencerSummit, hosted by Brendon Burchard. It was an amazing online event with many of the top notch speakers ranging from Jay Shetty, to Jenna Kutcher, to two of BossBabes’ founders, Natalie Ellis and Danielle Canty.

Let me share the lesson I learnt from Jenna Kutcher, who helped me realize that I am an influencer in my own space, be it my family, friends or workers. Her mission: Being Enough – Own Your Enoughness and Help Others Feel Less Alone – speaks volume to me, as I struggle to feel good enough in my different roles, even writing in my own blog. This feeling of not “being enough” can isolate us as we don’t even feel worthy enough to seek help. This belief that we are indeed enough, is essential as we live out our different roles and follow where our dreams take us.

She encouraged us to find our Super Power, as she said, “We are way too close to our own genius”. What I find to do so easily and naturally, can be a challenging task to another person, and we say, “That’s not a Super Power!!”.  We are all geniuses in our own rights – it is a matter of recognizing and acknowledging our genius. The way to find out is to ask people close to us or who work and/or interact with us regularly. Another way to figure out is ask this question: what are you the go-to person for?

I suggest you remove the limited definition of an “influencer” as defined by social media and marketing industry – and be intentional as an influencer in your own space, knowing the value you can add to your community and creating an impact for positive change in the world.