Now, Turn North!

In my last post, I talked about Seasons of Life. However, there are times when our seasons have overstayed – when we refuse to move on due to being too long in our “comfort zone” or other reasons. Then it is time to discern our season.

You have circled this mountain long enough! Now, turn north! Deuteronomy 2:3

As we come to the end of the year, it’s good to reflect and think of wrapping up some loose ends in our lives – especially things or situations that we have been stuck in a season for too long – to know what are the things we need to cut loose, things that are dragging us down, or detrimental to us. Seek God’s wisdom when He tells you that you have circled in a situation long enough, and commands you to “turn north”! It could be business or job situation, a long-lost family member, so-called complicated relationship, deteriorating health, dry spiritual season that is gnawing at you, mid-life crisis that is causing havoc, etc.

Discern what is your “north” as you advance into the new year, at least move into the direction of your solution or resolution. God had made plans for the Israelite to move into The Promised Land when He asked them to turn north. Seek God’s plan for His promises to you for the new year.

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