Scary Tale of Vulnerability

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One of reasons (or excuses) I was afraid of starting this blog is the fear of feeling vulnerable. All the ‘What ifs’ and fear of rejection. The feeling if I’m ‘good enough‘ to write and wondering ‘so, who do you think you are?

Then I stumbled upon two TED Talks by Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability and Listening to Shame. The most powerful lesson I learnt from her talks is this:

Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage – to be vulnerable, to let ourselves be seen, to be honest.

Her talks inspired me to take the plunge to start this blog. To quote from Brene Brown’s site – to own my story and loving myself through the process. I guess it’s good for the soul to sometimes do something I’m scared of, and trusting myself, trusting the process – to learn and grow from the experience.

How would you like to write your life’s story? Would you settle for a safe and mediocre life, or take a risk to write an adventurous life filled with some failures, learnt lessons and great height of achievement through grit and hard work, being vulnerable and trusting in yourself?

Remember: You are the Author of Your Life!

Are you Living Your Legend?

What prompted me to really do something this year was taking the Passion Work Program from Live Your Legend in April. I had subscribed to their emails for a few years but didn’t take any action. Their tagline of ‘Live with Purpose, Meaning and Mindfulness‘ resonates with me, and their articles are inspirational and motivational. Finally, I decided to take their first course: ‘Discover Your Passion in 21 Days‘ – which gave birth to this site!!

Listen to Live Your Legend founder, Scott Dinsmore, TED Talk on ‘How to Find Work You Love‘, where he talked about his Passion Work Framework and told his story of perseverance and achieving his impossible. He ended his TED Talk with this question: What is the work you can’t not do?

However, If you are like me, where I have trouble finding my definition of ‘Passion’, read Chelsea Dinsmore’s article on ‘How to Let Your Passion Find You‘!

When you show up and put time, energy and effort into the things you are interested, or excited about, clarity presents itself TO you instead of you looking FOR it.

Chelsea Dinsmore

Go on a journey to learn more about yourself – your strengths, your passions, your interests – and do something that matters, do your “impossible” – and find the people who would go on this exciting journey with you!


A warm welcome to my site, Blessed Abundance!

I had declared during a Women Empowerment Workshop by Milestone Trainings that I would start an online blog. That was end of October of 2016. I guess it’s not too late yet, eh?

I would like to encourage any of you who has a passion project you’ve always wanted to start – do it Now! I guess I ran out of excuses, plus a good buddy sat me down one breakfast last week, made me decide on this domain name – BlessedAbundance – and set a deadline to start it! Thanks, buddy!

The trick is to start small, but start!!! Dare to fail, learn from your experiences, improve, and just keep on going on! It’s way better to have tried and fail, rather than stay safe and regret not trying! So, don’t wait too long, as it will end up not happening at all!