Many years ago, I read an article that had a profound impact on me. For years, I searched for my so-called talent, but could not quite figure it out. This article pointed out that we might not have just one single talent, but multiple talents, in which our combination of talents make each of us unique.
So, we may have many talented photographers, or singers, or authors, speakers – but the combination of my interest in photography and designing albums, my skill in organizing things and getting things done, my unquenchable thirst for knowledge through reading and listening to talks, my deep self-awareness and faith – this combination, is totally unique! Each of us have our unique combination of talents, and that’s so amazing to know!
Let us be truly grateful for our unique combination of talents, strengths, skills and interests! Then find a way to use them to make a positive impact and be a contribution to the world.
Yes, I agree with you on this. We are all unique due to our different experiences/ people we meet etc and these propel us and drives us to find new meanings in life. I am glad to have known you- you made a difference in my life! smooch
“Connie Si Wa”