A warm welcome to my site, Blessed Abundance!
I had declared during a Women Empowerment Workshop by Milestone Trainings that I would start an online blog. That was end of October of 2016. I guess it’s not too late yet, eh?
I would like to encourage any of you who has a passion project you’ve always wanted to start – do it Now! I guess I ran out of excuses, plus a good buddy sat me down one breakfast last week, made me decide on this domain name – BlessedAbundance – and set a deadline to start it! Thanks, buddy!
The trick is to start small, but start!!! Dare to fail, learn from your experiences, improve, and just keep on going on! It’s way better to have tried and fail, rather than stay safe and regret not trying! So, don’t wait too long, as it will end up not happening at all!
Congratulations and well done, Anne Marie👏👏👏👏
Thanks, Joseph!
I love your passion, your commitment and your persistence, Anne Marie. You are simply awesome!
Thanks, Regina!!!