Most of us have traits from our parents, some even from grandparents or uncles or aunties. Nevertheless, we are totally unique, even with twins. We want to constantly fit into society or groups of people, thinking that it will help us belong there. The problem is when we lose our identify or our values trying to fit in.
The beauty of our uniqueness has become cliche and lost its meaning. We are meant to be born in this time, in our family, in our country. There is no mistake, no accidents. Each person in our family help each family member to be who they are. They make us who we are. The people who support, encourage, love and inspire us; as well as the ones who annoy, irritate, scold, humiliate, shame, and even abuse us; they make us who we are today. Like it or not, your past experiences, and the people in your past – they uniquely make you who you are today.
In the concept of Kintsugi in Japan, broken objects are often repaired with gold. The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the object’s history, which adds to its beauty. The transformation from brokenness to beauty, is made possible when we recognize our past hurts and experiences – turn them into powerful life’s lessons – to strengthen us and make us compassionate beings. Then we become unique masterpieces of ourselves.