Taking Responsibility for the Voices in Your Head

Do you hear voices in your head?

Oh no! I don’t mean those kind of voices!

I mean, the voices in your head that always convince you that you’re not good enough? Or that you deserve another slice of cake? Or to purchase the limited or exclusive offer? Or convince you to just have a few more minutes of social media scrolling, you know, just five more minutes?!!

There are thousands of thoughts in our heads every waking hour of our days. We hear them endlessly. Some are helpful in making decisions big and small, sometimes they are insights that lit up in our head, sometimes they are just random thoughts, but most of the time, they are just circular thoughts that goes round and round, causing us to worry and fill us with anxiety.

Most of our lives, we are not conscious of the countless thoughts that traffic our mind. Yes, they do cause traffic congestion oftentimes. What I want to propose today is: capture your thoughts, be aware of the positive and negative voices that are influencing your thoughts and subsequently your mood and behaviour, and proactively choose the voices that will be “dominant” in your mind.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ – 2 Corinthians 10:5

In our current world, we are constantly bombarded by news and social media. We are easily influenced by the secular values of materialism and consumerism. The traditional values of integrity, honesty, kind consideration, reverence and decorum are not in the trending list. It is an uphill struggle listening to the voice of God in the deluge of worldly messages and images, reels, stories and posts.

When someone whispers something, we need to lean in to hear what he is saying. Similarly, in the midst of all the noise in the world, we need to be still and to lean in to God to hear the soft whisper of the Holy Spirit.

Today, I invite you to be still and lean in to God. Then make it a daily practice. Let the voice of the Holy One be the dominant voice in your life and see how your life transform.

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