Focus On Things that Only You Can Do

Out of the hundreds of things you do daily, what are the things that only you can do? Out of the many roles you play in your life, what are the roles that are unique to you? What are the things that only you can do?

In our lives, we do so many things for so many people, all the time. What we don’t realize is that there are very few roles that are uniquely ours. One of which is our parenting role, if we are a parent. That’s why it is so important that we spend time with our kids and nurture a close relationship with them. I know that my daughters have been my biggest motivation to change to be a better person, and overcoming my character flaws. I wanted to be a good role model for them. They are truly my greatest blessings in my life!

They are many other roles and tasks we have in our lives. What I want to drive home today is that there are certainly a few things that only we can do in our unique roles. That is where we should focus our time and energy, and let go of things that can be done by others. This is true at work where we sometimes want to do everything ourselves, although some of the work can be done by someone else or gotten rid of. That’s why AI is gaining momentum, as it can take over some of our mundane tasks, allowing us to focus on what we, only as humans, can do. AI is derived from intelligence, human outdo AI with our wisdom and rich emotional and spiritual life.

Our past and varied life experiences, our skills and talents, our style and personality, our character – this unique combination – defines who we are and gives us unique roles and tasks that only we can do. Seek out what they are and focus on them wholeheartedly. Also, focus on relationships that you have a special role in and treasure them.

Find your voice, your story, your song, your book, your compelling truth, your beauty, your heart, your soul – and share it with your family, friends, communities, and even to the world!