I have just finished Ali Abdaal’s first book, ‘Feel-Good Productivity’. I enjoyed reading it and learning the importance of “feeling good” to motivate me to do what matters most to me.
I realise that trying to motivate myself by pushing myself, and feeling guilt ridden when I failed to do what I promised myself – all these negative feelings did not bring the desired result of getting what I want done. The book’s Part 1 was about using play, power and people to energise us to do what we want to do. And one of the ways was to choose a character to make it fun and having daily quest to achieve your goal. Later in the book, he mentioned how Beyonce has a persona called Sasha Fierce that she could channel on stage to become more confident, more powerful and free from inhibitions.
I really like this idea of a persona as I am an introvert, and usually don’t like too much attention. But with a “persona”, I can be free from my shyness, be daring and bold. In fact, I CAN BE A STAR!!! If you’re laughing, that’s great, as I am laughing my head off too!!!
Let’s have a little fun imagining ourselves as a “STAR”. Perhaps you don’t see yourself as a star yet – I certainly did not – but just let your imagination run wild for a minute! Picture yourself as a star – in a star-studded event, or walking on the red carpet, or on a bright stage with a spotlight on you, or on a podium – and immerse yourself in the thrill of being a star..!!!
The truth is: we are the star in the movie of our lives. Sometimes, we direct our lives, but more often than not, our lives are directed by others (in our family or work/business). However, we play the leading role in our movie, so let us shine brightly as a STAR!