We just celebrated Easter Sunday yesterday. In the Bible, there is the story of the women who went to the tomb early in the morning to look for Jesus to embalm His body. They were told by the angel that Jesus has risen, just as He had said, then the angel invited the women to come and see the empty tomb (Matthew 28:6).
In the homily by the priest, he reminded us that the stone was rolled away from the tomb – not for Jesus to leave – but for people to enter and check the tomb. That really struck me – that it was for the women and the disciples to enter the tomb – to see for themselves that it was empty. I am sure they were totally confused to find an empty tomb. Jesus had taken upon Himself the sin and shame of the world, and overcame them. The celebration of Easter is the victory of the Son of God over sin and death. That’s the significance of the empty tomb!
Do we sometimes find ourselves going back to our dark hidden secrets that are buried deep within us, in our “tomb”? The story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is that He has overcome sin and death, to give us Eternal Life. The tomb is empty now – no more sin and death, no more shame and sorrow. They are gone. We are free – our freedom purchased graciously by the Son of God.
As we celebrate Easter, let us be reminded that:
- The tomb is empty because Jesus has died for our sins and His resurrection has overcome death once and for all.
- The tomb is empty because we are freed from our past shame and sorrow, not hidden nor buried, but vanished.
- The tomb is empty because we have a new HOPE in God and His Almighty Power to overcome death.
- The tomb is empty because we have a God that is powerful and sovereign and love us unconditionally.
As we look up at our Risen Jesus on Easter, let us remember the significance of the empty tomb as well.