How 2024 Shaped My Framework: Clarity, Courage and Consistency

As you look back on this year, what moments stood out the most—those that challenged you, grew you, or filled your heart with gratitude?

At the beginning of the year, I made a decision to post my blog every week. I wasn’t that confident I would make it through the year. Now, on week 52, I am proud to say that I have posted my blog every Monday (maybe a little past midnight on a few rare occasions) this whole year.

I am most grateful for this “win” in my life, as I can proudly pat myself on my back for keeping my word to post every Monday. It has challenged me, I have grown through my writing, and I am most grateful for the feedback I get from my friends for my posts.

In the process, it has shaped my 3C Framework:

  1. Clarity – knowing what I want and why
    I want to post my blog every Monday, as I want to share my insights and inspire others to pursue their dreams
  2. Courage – taking courage to do what I want
    I had announced I would post every week in my blog, even though I was very hesitant at first. Taking that first step was a leap of faith – faith that God would see me through and reveal to me what He wants me to write every week. There were weeks when I felt it was not “perfect” – I have to overcome my doubts and the fear of whether it is “good enough” to post. Just Do It!
  3. Consistency – show up and do the work
    It has become a habit to post every Monday. So I am always on the lookout for things to share, e.g. books or videos. There are times when something cropped up on a Monday, but I would make a decision to post, not wanting to miss a single Monday. Once I have made that decision, I will find ways to make it happen. Show up, whether you feel like it.

This is my invitation to you today: to get crystal clear on what you truly want, summon the courage to pursue it boldly, and stay consistent in your efforts to make it a reality.

From Scrolling to Thriving: Break Free and Build a Life Worth Living

Just 5 more minutes!? Last one! I promise I will stop right after this!

If you know what I am referring to – then you can relate to the feeble excuses we give when we try to stop scrolling social media!

It’s a fact that social media has been designed for continuous streaming of content, enticing people with constant dopamine hits, with an algorithm tailored to our interests to keep us hooked. It is so easy to reach out to our phone out of boredom or for de-stressing, and our fear of missing out (FOMO) makes us want to scroll even more. When we watch a movie or read a book, there is an end to it, but with social media, it is practically endless!

My biggest problem is that I end up sleeping way past midnight as I slip into the rabbit hole of social media scrolling. My other problem is that I feel out of control of my time trapped in endless scrolling – from minutes to hours!

I stumbled upon this great insight from The Dr. John Delony Show on How Do I Stop Scrolling Social Media All Day: Build a Life Worth Living. Simple, right?!

All of us have a one-and-only precious life on earth. Do not let the non-stop social media scrolling and the endless noise of the world drown out our purpose and higher calling. Do not let the doom scrolling numb our sense of peace and justice.

What do we need to do?
Pursue our passion and live out our dreams.
Live an Intentional Life of impact and contribution to the world.
Stop wasting our precious time.

Imagine a transformed life if you just spend half of your scrolling time to pursue your boldest dream. You can still scroll through social media, but with intention. Set time limits and remove distracting notifications. Check social media for ideas to build your dream life, instead of mindlessly scrolling.

This is my invitation to you today: discern your calling and purpose, pursue your hopes and dreams, and live intentionally – so that you build a life that is worth living, not just scrolling through other people’s amazing life!

Pursue Your Dream To Overcome Weariness

Recently, I read a YouVersion devotional by Rick Warren called “Daring Faith”. He said that our number one problem is not worry or fear or guilt, but weariness. Weariness is so normal that I didn’t really see it as a big problem.

Upon deeper reflection, I realise that it IS a big problem. It is not okay to be constantly tired. As I reflected, I realise that there are different types of weariness and suggestions to overcome it:

Type Description Overcoming Weariness
Body Physical over-exertion; Lack of sleep or proper nutrition; Have more quality sleep, eat well, exercise or play sports, add movement, or dance
Mind Overuse of mental power without proper break; Non-stop scrolling of news or social media; Incessant worrying; Procrastination Take regular breaks at work, reduce news and social media consumption, read jokes or watch comedy, overcome procrastination, take (small) actions, have growth mindset
Soul Lack of community support; Lack of real connection with family and friends Build supportive community; Reach out to people and help others in need; Go out to nature; Read good book; Practice self-care
Spirit Feeling distance from God; feeling alone and isolated and abandoned Pray; Forgive; Daily devotions, Read the Bible; Listen to Christian music; Practice meditation; Journaling
Types of Weariness

Our body, mind, soul and spirit are interconnected – the weariness spills over from one to the other, e.g. from the mind to the body. As I thought about it, something occurred to me: one of the best way to overcome weariness is to PURSUE YOUR DREAM!

Dream and how it will overcome your weariness
Spirit Seek God’s will to reveal the dream He has put inside your heart
Soul Connect within yourself to seek the passion and the dream that has kept you restless – seek until you become excited and scared at the same time
Mind Generate ideas, think of solutions, plan and organise to achieve your dream, monitor and review your plan, overcome negative self-talk and believe in yourself
Body Do the physical things required, let your body be energised
Pursue Your DREAM

This revelation is so thrilling to me! Most of the time, we are weary due to lack of purpose or passion. Pursuing a dream gives us the impetus to overcome this weariness – energising and making us excited for God’s plan for us, and giving us renewed Hope!