I would like to start this new year with a series called ‘Intentional Living‘. I will start with where you are – the crossroad of your life. How would you rate yourself in terms of work, family, social, health, and spiritually. What were your dreams and your disappointments? Are you where you want to be? If not, what would you need to change? Are you willing to change? Are you ready for that change?
As a new decade begins, it draws on new hope to live with intention and purpose, instead of drifting for another year, or 5 years or another decade. We want to look back and have a sense of achievement and pride. As for me, I want to make this change to live with intention and purpose, and invite you on this journey with me. Let me share Maya Angelou’s quote below:
If you don’t like something, change it; If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.