Recently, I watched the Chinese movie YOLO – where a woman was jobless for 10 years and living with her parents. Many times, she was betrayed by those closest to her. Despite the pain of betrayal, she still helped them out and didn’t seek to take revenge on them.
There came a turning point in her life that she decided she wanted to win just once. She was tired of being a loser. However, she didn’t obsessed about proving anything to anyone, except herself. She transformed her life drastically by registering for a boxing competition. She had to attempt a few times just to qualify – and it was sheer sweat, tears, determination, perseverance, resilience and grit . On her first match, she was determined not to quit but to complete all the rounds, whereas I was indignant how they could pitch a beginner against a pro boxer! She defined what was a WIN for her, not conforming to society’s definition of success. And because of that, she also define who is a WINNER.
As I was watching the movie, my initial assumption was that they got a slim actress and put on the “cosmetic weight” for her for the beginning of the movie. How wrong I was! At the end of the movie, they showed the real actual progress of the actress losing the weight from beginning to end of 2023! I was super awed!!! It blew my mind when I found out she was also the movie director!!! Unbelievable!! Absolutely INSPIRING!!!
Her story reminds me of Joseph in the Bible – how he was betrayed by so many, yet he triumphed in the end as God brought him up to great heights. God always use our dire circumstances to transform us. God has created the human spirit to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. It exist deep within us, that sometimes only the biggest challenges in our lives can reach inside and grab hold of it.
Never lose sight of what is IN YOU:
Your Awesomeness.
Your Beauty.
Your Courage.
Your Determination.
Your Energy.
Your Fighting Spirit.
Your Greatness.