As we start an exciting year ahead, we are full of possibilities and new beginnings. It is also a time of pursuing bold dreams for the year, letting go of the things that used to hold us back in the past year(s).
The idea of dreaming boldly starts with clarity – being clear of what the bold dream that makes us excited, and why it matters to us so much. This clarity will fuel us to pursue our dream, and sets the direction of our new path. More importantly, this clarity identifies our “why” for pursuing our bold dream – which will sustain us when the going gets tough.
This is how we gain this clarity for your bold dream:
1. Reflect on your current situation – where in my life do I feel stuck, stagnant or misaligned? Are you restless for something more, or something better, or something new? What is holding you back? What can you do to overcome your limiting beliefs?
2. Visualise your Ideal Future – what do you want to achieve at the end of the year? Imagine it is December 2025 – what would bring you the most fulfilment, satisfaction and pride for your achievements? Imagine in great detail how this ideal future look like, feel like, even taste like!
3. Write down your Bold Dream – My Bold Dream for 2025 is… Next write down why it is important for you – the deep longing for it and what it truly means to you. And lastly, write down the steps you can take in pursuit of your bold dream. You don’t have to write down everything, as you will eventually figure out the steps as you go along. You just need to write down the first few steps to start.
My bold dream for 2025 is to be a speaker.
This dream matters to me as I want to share my key message:
Dream Boldly – Discover New Chapters – Defy Limits.
At the same time, I want to share my framework of Clarity – Courage – Consistency.
This is my invitation to you today: write down your bold dream and why it matters to you, and list the first few steps to achieve your dream.