As we “rebuild” who we are, one of the tasks most needed is to set your house in order. Just like we do spring-cleaning for our house, we also need to do spring-cleaning for our hearts as well. For me, that means Love and Forgiveness.
Unforgiveness is the prison you lock the person who has hurt you with your justification and pain, not realizing the person you have imprisoned is actually – yourself! You shake angrily at the prison bars of the person who has hurt you, not knowing if the other person is even aware of the pain he/she had caused you. The bad news is that when you look around, you find that the prison bars are actually around you!
The good news is that you hold the key to unlock this prison of unforgiveness. If you find it so hard to forgive, remember how Jesus had forgiven Peter, and all those who had persecuted and killed Him. If you can’t relate to that, imagine yourself rotting in this prison while the other person is free (and maybe happily oblivious?). Do you still want to imprison yourself and deny your own freedom and blessings? For how can you receive any blessings when you have locked yourself in this prison of unforgiveness?
Other than forgiving others, more importantly, love yourself by forgiving yourself. Forgive yourself for past failures, disappointments and regrets. Move forward with love and kindness in your heart.