Hi! My name is Anne Marie Kim. I am from Malaysia. I have two daughters and work in my husband’s family business as Admin Manager.
This is my journey from Scarcity to Abundance by recognizing the many blessings in my life – and by being truly grateful for all these blessings. I realize that the secret to this paradigm shift from scarcity to abundance is: The Attitude of Gratitude
What started me in this journey was Michael Hyatt’s article: ‘Perceived Scarcity in a World of Outrageous Abundance‘ – where I realize I could overcome my perceived scarcity and reach for the sky for Outrageous Abundance in my life!
While it’s the easiest thing to fall into a scarcity mentality, Gratitude helps us cultivate a Mindset of Abundance
Michael Hyatt
I have been listening to Michael Hyatt’s podcast at that time, then moved on to Andy Stanley’s ‘Your Move‘, which has a podcast, website and mobile app, and is now my favorite podcast.
I also read extensively, a lot on personal development and motivation. I am on a constant quest to know and learn more, especially about myself. I have also started listening to inspiring TED Talks. I always want to improve myself and to share my knowledge. And I hope to share it in this platform – and you are most welcomed to join me in this journey! 😉